Affirm your way to a positive life in just 24 hours!

 Affirmations help us to start our day with a mindset of excellence, don’t doubt the power that lies within them.

It will make you believe in yourself again. Frequently align your visual mind, your thoughts, and your emotions with what you want to create — Sit in a quiet place and picture yourself in your mind’s eye accomplishing your financial goals if they are already happening. Close your eyes and imagine the joy of holding money in your hands. See yourself comfortably paying your bills, having plenty to save and invest, and having the abundance to start doing the things you’ve always wanted to do in life. When it comes to money, adjust your thinking to where you feel desire, joy, relief, and appreciation, not loneliness, frustration, or disbelief.

With persistence, drill affirmations into your subconscious such as “I deserve wealth,” and “Others have the wealth they want and so can I.” This work may take some practice, but the effort is worth it. This is what healthy people naturally do to create what they want in their lives. Getting control over your emotions is especially important. Your emotions are the voice that shouts at the universe and tells it what you want to manifest in your life. Even after some practice, if you can’t get control of your emotions, don’t worry — there are approaches for handling this issue. Find out more here.

Using a positive affirmation like “I am wonderful and powerful” may backfire if you don’t truly, deeply believe it at both a cognitive and emotional level. To effectively re-frame your thinking, consider who you are becoming, focusing on your progress — the current track or path you’re on. You might re-work your self-talk to sound more like “I am a work in progress, and that’s OK.” It’s pointing you in the direction of positive growth and is both realistic and achievable. Another example: telling yourself, “Every moment I’m making an effort to be more conscious about how I spend my money” acknowledges the fact that you are evolving and that you have a choice in creating a better financial future for yourself.

If you’re prone to negative self-talk and are sick of positive affirmations that don’t work, try one of these re-framing techniques. You may start to notice major changes in your mindset and a rise in your productivity and success.

  Affirm your way to a great life.


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