Social Media Marketing .

Facebook Marketing

 How to Drive Demand, Create Loyal Fans, and Grow Your Business on Facebook.

Facebook isn’t new, and neither is the idea that every business needs a Facebook presence.

However, a lot has changed since Facebook first entered the marketing scene. Today, the world’s largest social network can do things many of us would never have dreamed of 10 years ago: host 360-degree videos, sell products via a chatbot, or even serve as a top news source for two-thirds of the adult population.

For many, Facebook is the internet. That said, is your business taking full advantage of it?

Your answer should be yes — confirmed by Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO of VaynerMedia.

In an interview, HubSpot's Founder and CEO Brian Halligan, posed the question, "Let's say you're getting started today in marketing and you're building a social media brand — where are you spending your energy if you're that marketer?"

Vaynerchuk said, "... you can't be alive in the game without a Facebook [and an Instagram]. I genuinely believe that. I think it would be highly detrimental."

So, how do you use Facebook to benefit your business?

Facebook Pages are the gateway for businesses to market to this holy grail of users. A Facebook Page is a public presence similar to a personal profile but allows fans to “like” the business, brand, celebrity, cause, or organization.

 Fans receive content updates from the Page on their News Feed, while the business is able to raise brand awareness, deploy and track advertising, collect detailed audience insights, and chat with users who seek customer service.

How to Set Up a Facebook Business  Page.

Instagram Marketing

How to Create Captivating Visuals, Grow Your Following,
and Drive Engagement on Instagram

Since its launch in 2010, Instagram has taken the world by storm. It seems like everyone — and their dog — is on the platform.

You may have also noticed the increase in brands who've developed a presence on the platform. But is Instagram worth their time, and should your business also be on the platform? The answer is yes, and here's why:


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